The beauty of this angelic bird with its massive snow white wingspan reminds us of Angels on the bayou. This Great White Egret is an impressive site on the waters of Louisiana.

The Bayous are beautiful with the sleeping waters, bald cypress trees and hanging Spanish moss.

I See You
As this American alligator lies still. it is aware of its surroundings. It is a master of camouflage with the appearance of a log or rock in the murky swamp waters.

Angelica V
This is a Vertical Version of our popular Angelica by request.
The beauty of this angelic bird with its massive snow white wingspan reminds us of Angels on the bayou. This Great White Egret is an impressive site on the waters of Louisiana.

The magic enchantment of this forested wetland is a beauty all on its own. This art was created for the mysterious look into the swamps , the way most people look at these wetlands.

Bayou Serenity
This beautiful bayou scene has a soft serene feel with the slow moving watersand mossy trees.

Reflections of Your Deep Roots
Louisiana Cypress... "A Demonstration of Life" roots are the stability of growth in life.

The electromagnetic light surrounding this tree is begging for attention

Where Next
This beautiful Snowy Egret is looking where the next meal will appear

Huey Dewy & Louie
Sometimes it's not easy to have your ducks in a row. These lovely birds have found their spot in the sun

The Edge
Clinging to the edge of this Cypress tree this Snowy Egret is ready to pounce on its next meal.

Find Me
This beautiful Blue Heron seems to be hiding in plain site waiting for dinner

Yoda was old and wise, just like this "Hoot Owl" perched on a branch taking in the world around

A beautiful smooth silent glide across the waters with its reflection of angels.