Echoes from Afar
Echoes of time through the distant canyons can be heard as you view the vastness of the Grand Canyon during its late afternoon light from which our name Grande Allusions comes.
Caverns of Time
This beautiful scene of layers of rock with its peaks, valleys, canyons, caverns and the Colorado River, embodies millions of years in the making for our viewing pleasure in today's time.
Grand Conjunction
This image of the Great Conjunction of 2020 when Jupiter and Saturn were aligned and the closest since 1623. This was the view from Arizona near the Grand Canyon...
El Corazon
This artist rendition of the Spirit of the Heart of the Grand Canyon represents the flowing of the colors of rocks and the main vein of the canyon... the Colorado River.
The awesome views of the Grand Canyon at sunset makes you spiritually aware of Gods paintings to inspire and enlighten...
My Muse
The vastness of colors in the rocks, sky and waters of the Grand Canyon inspires the spirit of the artist. The unending flowing of the three together is captured in this art.