Castles in the Sky
A castle in the sky clearly seems a wonderful, magical, and ideal place. This is a realistic place full of wonder. It could also be "Castles in the Sand" which it is comprised of sandstone

Maze's Delight
The intricate pathways between these pillars of rock creates art of our land to enjoy.

Twist of Fate
Winds of time may twist these trees or a place where the earth energy swirls and draws to it's center everything that surrounds it like a tornado. At these magical sites, trees often exhibit this swirling or twisting of their trunks due the powerful vortex energy.

Misty Hollow
As the misty low clouds start to move in from the west it will soon cover the beautiful valley seen in this image from atop a mountain in Bryce Canyon.

Night Walkers
Sikyaatutukwi - in Paiute meaning place of yellow peaks or points...
The legend of Bryce Canyon was explained to a park naturalist in 1936 by Indian Dick, a Paiute elder who then lived on the Kaibab Reservation:...

Winter Wonderland
Snow in Bryce Canyon calls for a sleigh ride in a magical Winter Wonderland...

Turtle Soup
The knots and twists and shape of this dried tree reminds me of a turtle. What do you see?

This beautiful rendition of the maze created by the Hoodoos causing intersecting paths.

This Image gives the feeling of freedom in the vast open landscape of this earth.